Saturday, October 27, 2012

A New Era of Photography Online | Stanton Street Blog


When digital photography and the Internet were introduced, it was love at first sight. Digital cameras and smartphones with camera capabilities were snatched off shelves sooner than you could say ?cheese.? Since then, tech and online companies have continued to improve upon this reignited love of imagery developing ways to make it better, faster and more meaningful.

Image-based social sites have grown into a highly competitive niche with several revamping their front-end design based on what?s popular now. This year, Pinterest grew 4377% and Facebook continues to dominate the photo-sharing genre with over 300 million photos uploaded every day.

Technologically, we?re moving toward higher resolution monitors and devices becoming available to the general public. As more consumers adapt to technologies such as retina displays, web design companies will need to revisit the way they create graphics and images. Given the tools for sharing user-generated content, consumers are fast becoming tech-literate. So the sites, applications and graphics web designers build must meet or exceed consumer expectations.

From a substance standpoint, our culture is moving toward a more meaningful experience online. As we continue to build these communities and networks the demand for transparency and substance grows. This shift is so strong it?s even started to change the style and approach of ad campaigns hoping to reach new targets with a ?soft sell? approach. More and more companies are finding out the benefits of personal recommendations and user-generated content.

When it comes to how you represent your business online, all trends point toward authenticity. This means having a genuine representation of your company. We can now wave goodbye to the stock images and say hello to custom photography, social networking and relationship building.

From social sites revamping their infrastructure to be more ?photo-centric? to newer technologies like retina displays, photography is clearly dominating the web-space. We feel it?s so important that we?ve now added custom photography to our arsenal of online services. So when it comes to your online strategy, we can help you provide that meaningful experience to help increase your bottom line.

Find out more about our new service by filling out our contact form or giving us a call at (915) 351-8440.

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