Monday, November 12, 2012

Kenner preparing to build monument to its politicians |

Kenner Mayor Mike Yenni and his grandfather, former Mayor Joe Yenni, in the portrait behind him, would both have their names listed on wall honoring the city's past, present and future elected officials. (Photo by The Times-Picayune archive)

Move over, Mount Rushmore. Kenner is building its own shrine to politicians. It won't have giant busts of the city's mayors carved in Harney Peak granite, but neither will it be limited to four of them.

Instead, Kenner officials are preparing to spend $12,000 on a wall that will list the names of the city's past, current and future elected officials. Most of the money is public, coming from the Jefferson Parish Historical Commission.

The City Council is scheduled Thursday to award the construction contract to Metal Graphics Inc., the only responsive bidder, according to public records.

The designated spot for the 7-by-4-foot monument, in the City Council chamber, is already home to photographic portraits of Kenner's former mayors and police chiefs. And while the price of the proposed wall amounts to chump change in a parish budget of $562 million, the idea of erecting a $12,000 tribute to Kenner politicians could raise eyebrows.

"A total waste of time and money," said Jack Zewe, a regular critic of the Kenner administration.

Parish Councilman Ben Zahn, a former Kenner council member, backs the effort. "They were elected by the people of Kenner," he said. "It's Kenner history."

Historical Commission Chairman Mary Curry said she, too, supports it. She said history can be lost if not recorded in a "permanent medium."

"I'm not a fan of politicians," she said. "But sometimes some politicians -- not all -- are really good."

The proposed City Council resolution says, "The administration recognizes the dedication, importance and contributions of past and present city of Kenner elected officials and, as such, desires to educate the public on the history of elected officials of Kenner.

"In order to accomplish this important educational objective, the city of Kenner desires to erect wall signage denoting past, present and future Kenner elected officials in the City Council chamber." (Read the complete resolution.)

The Parish Council on Wednesday appropriated $5,000 for the project from the council-appointed Jefferson Historical Commission, which has an annual budget of $15,000. (Read the parish resolution.) Another $5,000 came last year from the same source, said Mike Quigley, Kenner's chief administrative officer.

Kenner records say the rest is coming from Kenner City Events Inc., a charity run by Dan Kelly, a close associate of former Mayor Ed Muniz. Kenner City Events finished 2011 with $17,299 in the bank, after sponsoring one event to benefit Laketown Park and a prayer breakfast to benefit the Kenner Food Bank, according to its tax records.


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