Saturday, November 3, 2012

Common Diet and Weight-Loss Mistakes Men Make | MenScience ...

When it comes to weight loss, men seem to go about dieting very differently than their female counterparts. Some men are successful in their weight-loss plans, while others make mistakes that are detrimental to diet goals and overall health. The following are the four most common mistakes men make when trying to shed pounds:

Eating ?Diet? Foods

Foods labeled low-fat and low-calorie may seem like smart options when it comes to weight loss, but, in reality, this isn?t always the case. So-called ?diet? foods are typically loaded with sodium, preservatives, trans fats and other potentially harmful ingredients, which can lead to water weight gain, high blood pressure and even an increase of body fat. These foods are also less filling, which often leads to overeating at other times throughout the day.

Instead of shopping in the diet aisle, men will lose weight more efficiently by skipping processed diet foods and sticking to fresh, simple foods with few ingredients. If you need help with your diet, check out MenScience Boot Camp. It?s a six-week program that will transform your daily habits ? and your body. ?

Placing Too Much Emphasis on Exercise

Many men place more focus on exercise than diet by eating unhealthy foods then vowing to work off the extra fat and calories. And while exercise is definitely important when it comes to weight loss and overall health, regular workouts, no matter how intense, will not provide significant weight loss all on their own.?It?s a lot easier to say ?no? to a food than burning off the calories later.

Nevertheless, exercise can help you get more fit ? especially with the right supplements. Workout supplements like a tri-creatine formula and a whey protein shake are just two of many supplements that can help you get fit faster (assuming your diet is already good). ?The Best Workout Supplements? for men lists the ones you need to kick-start your healthy lifestyle.

Buying Into Fad Diets

Just like ?diet? foods, fad diets often cause more harm than they?re worth. Fad diets often focus on the elimination of certain foods or even entire food groups. Over time, this can prove quite difficult ? not to mention unhealthy ? and rarely provides long-term results. Eliminating foods or food groups can lead to overeating, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and, depending on the fad, even damage to the heart, kidneys and other organs.

For healthy weight loss in the long-term, the key is incorporating healthy choices into everyday lifestyles. Fad diets don?t instill any healthy habits, so you will just gain all the weight back once you resume your old lifestyle.

Not Paying Attention to Liquid Calories

Most men associate diet and weight loss with the foods they eat; however, beverages play just as important a role in health and fitness as solid foods. The calories found in sodas, teas, juices and, yes, alcohol can add up to destroy hard work where diet and exercise are concerned.

However, by drinking water with meals and saving beer, sodas and other calorie-rich beverages for special occasions, weight-loss results are much more likely

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