Tuesday, March 13, 2012

BREAKING!!!! -- Our only solar storm warming satellite could falter ...

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1271723
United States
03/12/2012 12:27 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationBREAKING!!!!! -- Our only solar storm warming satellite could falter soon, Various agencies warned...Link: [link to zeenews.india.com]

Washington: A US satellite that offers the only advance warnings of incoming solar storms is more than a decade past its expected orbital lifetime and is possibly on its last legs, researchers say.

Stationed around 1 million miles from Earth. NASA?s Advanced Composition Explorer satellite, nicknamed ACE, cautions about incoming high-energy particles from the sun which can wreak havoc on radio, GPS, satellite communications that are now embedded in modern life.

?It would be a very bad day for us if that spacecraft was not working,? the Discovery News quoted William Murtagh, program coordinator for NOAA?s Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colo., as saying.

?When an eruption occurs on the sun, there are still quite a few question marks as to if it?s going to hit the Earth and when it?s going to hit the Earth,.?

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 11309136
United States
03/12/2012 12:45 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: BREAKING!!!!! -- Our only solar storm warming satellite could falter soon, Various agencies warned...?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2135672

It's Breaking if you don't know about it. The more attention an issue gets the better, who cares who gets credit?

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 5233107
United States
03/12/2012 12:46 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: BREAKING!!!!! -- Our only solar storm warming satellite could falter soon, Various agencies warned...?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2135672

It's Breaking if you don't know about it. The more attention an issue gets the better, who cares who gets credit?

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11309136


Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 1271723
United States
03/12/2012 12:50 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: BREAKING!!!!! -- Our only solar storm warming satellite could falter soon, Various agencies warned...Let another person get all of the credit.

I could care less.

It's imperative that as many people know as possible.

I apologize if there was already another thread on this.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 10830710
03/12/2012 01:08 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: BREAKING!!!!! -- Our only solar storm warming satellite could falter soon, Various agencies warned...Let another person get all of the credit.

I could care less.

It's imperative that as many people know as possible.

I apologize if there was already another thread on this.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1271723

Mrore like an early Reporting system, rather than a warning system.

It shows what happened on the sun at least 8 minutes ago.
And then it's delayed a few more minutes before it's posted.

So no warning, never.

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 2135672
United States
03/12/2012 01:08 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: BREAKING!!!!! -- Our only solar storm warming satellite could falter soon, Various agencies warned...?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2135672

It's Breaking if you don't know about it. The more attention an issue gets the better, who cares who gets credit?

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11309136

Its not about credit, its about taking 60 secs to do a search before you put breaking in the title and post something thats already been posted before. common sense peeps.

Anonymous Coward?(OP)
User ID: 1271723
United States
03/12/2012 01:48 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: BREAKING!!!!! -- Our only solar storm warming satellite could falter soon, Various agencies warned...?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2135672

It's Breaking if you don't know about it. The more attention an issue gets the better, who cares who gets credit?

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11309136

Its not about credit, its about taking 60 secs to do a search before you put breaking in the title and post something thats already been posted before. common sense peeps.

?Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2135672

Once again, I will apologize to the keepers of all things search related.

If I only would have searched for Solartards... We would not even be posting in such a ridiculous thread.

no one in particular
User ID: 11483595
United States
03/12/2012 01:51 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: BREAKING!!!!! -- Our only solar storm warming satellite could falter soon, Various agencies warned...

they're dismanteling it on purpose because they dont want us to know what's coming.....the killshot??

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1311657
United States
03/12/2012 01:52 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: BREAKING!!!!! -- Our only solar storm warming satellite could falter soon, Various agencies warned...

they're dismanteling it on purpose because they dont want us to know what's coming.....the killshot??

?Quoting: no one in particular 11483595

or just cut the flow of information to the public...


User ID: 1130828
United Kingdom
03/12/2012 01:57 PM
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Report Copyright ViolationRe: BREAKING!!!!! -- Our only solar storm warming satellite could falter soon, Various agencies warned...

they're dismanteling it on purpose because they dont want us to know what's coming.....the killshot??

?Quoting: no one in particular 11483595

It appears we are gonna get a solar storm this year perhaps. Blackout everywhere. Ohwell!

Source: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1807071/pg1

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