Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cooling and Air - Tutorial Recirculated Primary Air Systems

House air circulation system

House air circulation system

Air systems can be classified mainly into primary air systems, to external?tutorial?to tutorial?recirculated and mixed.

The air plants or plants for the treatment of air can be broadly classified into four main types: primary air systems, the systems to tutorial?external installations tutorial?and recirculated air systems; mixed. With these types can be fulfilled, in compliance with the various requirements, both for buildings and for buildings to residential use and / or environments for a variety of activities.

The basic references for these types of systems are the standards defined by ?ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) and the norm UNI 10339 with its updates and modifications, are also good references also the laws of the containment of energy costs of buildings.

House with Circulated Primary Air Systems

House with Circulated Primary Air Systems

For primary air system includes a system that leads into the environment 100% of the air taken from outside suitably treated in order to reach the conditions for placing defined to project in the area served.

The fundamental characteristic of this plant is that of carrying out the washing of the ambient air, according to the needs defining the conditions for placing air in the room, namely the number of spare parts air and the conditions of the same in terms of temperature and humidity and filtration.

The air in question is not used for the reduction of heating loads in winter heating and summer cooling, this task is mostly done by other equipment in the field, they are generally heat pump fan coils, however, can not be excluded a priori Radiant solutions.

Air circulation system house

Air circulation system house

For plant tutorial?external means a facility whose purpose is to break down the thermal loads in the environment, both in heating and cooling by injection of air in the same environments. As in the previous case of the plants to primary air with the installations to tutorial?external air into the room is taken from the outside to 100% and suitably treated, are not present in other equipment for the environment but microclimatic.

To plant tutorial?circulated means a facility which is tasked to bring down the entire heat load through the recirculation of the same ambient air, the fresh air into the room is the minimum necessary, often obtained with natural parts.

Even in the case of plant tutorial?mixed means a system in which the task to cut the heat load, either in heating or cooling and entrusted to ?intake of air.

House with Primary Air Systems

House with Primary Air Systems

The air injected into the room is partly taken from the outside while the remaining part is recirculated, ie originating from the same environment.

An element common to all the air systems are described and also used for space heating must be the presence of the air intake at the bottom. This solution allows to bring down the hot air which clearly tends to rise, causing inconvenience of comfort amplified in particularly high. However, this solution often clashes with both aesthetic and architectural requirements to maximize the useful space in individual rooms, typically shooting at the bottom are masked plasterboard like fake pillars.

Modern Ceiling Fan

Modern Ceiling Fan

About the movement of air into the room, regardless
from the solution in between those described above, the rules impose limits for release from the nozzles of diffusion, generally in the vicinity of the affected areas by the continuous presence of people speed limits are less than one meter per second.

In general for moving the air, the plants can be classified with the air handling less than or equal to a volume per hour, air handling systems with less than or equal to 5 volumes per hour, or fan coil systems with induction or However, with air handling less than or equal to 8 volumes per hour, with air moving equipment to higher volumes for 8 hours.

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